Sunday, November 25, 2007

Weekend update!

So this weekend, while it was nice with the holiday, has dragged on for me because I have been so anxious to find out the sex of the baby, can't wait!! We find out tomorrow around 11:30 am, YEAH! So anyway, we had a pretty nice weekend. We went bowling one day, where I won two games over Maddy and Nick. What can I say I have that talent. LOL. I did a little Christmas shopping with all the sales, which to be honest weren't that great, but I managed to get a few good deals. We watched a lot of Christmas movies, which of course made me so happy. We were supposed to watch One Magic Christmas (one of my favorites) tonight but somehow Nick weaseled his way out of it. BRAT! He says he thinks it's a dumb movie, but I know he likes it deep down somewhere. He said the same about "It's a Wonderful Life", but had me start watching it over from the beginning so he could know what was going on. I guess guys don't like to admit to liking those kind of movies. They are silly. I had my Christmas card workshop last night, which went okay. I enjoyed talking with all the girls. I only sold 4 extra card sets, but I was glad to. Everyone had a really good time. They are all anxious to see the new book that comes out January 1st. They all plan on making orders, so that made my night. I also have another party booked for January so that's pretty cool. Oh and I forgot to tell you that my party I had last week closed with $450 worth of orders. I was pretty happy about it. So anyway, today we went and watched Fred Claus. Oh my goodness it was WONDERFUL. It was both funny and sappy. I cried during one part and laughed my head off in others. It's one of those movies I will HAVE to buy when it comes out. You need to see it if you haven't. I enjoyed it so much! I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend as well.

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